
David Chan avatar image
David Chan asked Ely Sena commented

ExpertFit issue


In the last one week, it seems to me there are more complaints on the Expertfit is having a problem of "Not supported operation" error in the 22.1 than any previous version. Even after re-installation, it did not work. My Engine build is 263. Is there anyone facing the same issue?


FlexSim 22.1.1
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Ely Sena commented

Open a command prompt as administrator.

Execute the following commands:

  1. cd C:\Program Files\FlexSim 2022 Update 1\expertfit
  1. Register_OCX.bat

That should register the ExpertFit ocx files if the FlexSim Installer failed to do so.


In FlexSim 2022 Update 1, we changed how the ExpertFit files are registered in the installer so that it silently continues instead of rolling back if they fail to register. This enables FlexSim to be installed on systems where ExpertFit is not needed (and where its registration expectedly fails), such as within Windows Server Core docker containers used on the cloud. Unfortunately, this change has led to an increase in installs where the registration didn't work. You can resolve this issue directly by registering the ExpertFit files using the steps above.

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