
Gavin D3 avatar image
Gavin D3 asked Jeanette F commented

Table Query - Simple Question

I apologize for such a simple question. But, I have a table like this:

Machine A Machine B

Op10 10 15

Op20 11 12

where Machine A and B and column titles and Op10 and 20 are row titles.

I would like to write a simple table query that would return the value associated with Machine B and Op20 (12) and set that value to a int var. Seems simple but I've had no luck. -Thanks

FlexSim 22.2.2
tablessql queriestable query
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

If it's a global table then its just:

  1. int myVar=Table("MyTable")["Op20"]["Machine B"];
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