
William Proctor avatar image
William Proctor asked Matthew Gillespie commented

Is there a way to identify the data type of a row in a table (text vs. number)

I'm using a loop to populate an output table. The table has mixed data types so I want to know what type of data is in each row before I import it. Is there an easy way to do this?

FlexSim 16.1.0
tablesdata typefunction
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William Proctor avatar image William Proctor commented ·

Would the following code work if I wanted to look at the type of data in a specific table cell?


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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie commented

You'll want to use the getdatatype() command.

To test if the cell is number data:

  1. if(getdatatype(gettablecell("GlobalTable1", 1, 1)) == DATATYPE_NUMBER)

To test if the cell is string data:

  1. if(getdatatype(gettablecell("GlobalTable1", 1, 1)) == DATATYPE_STRING)
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William Proctor avatar image William Proctor commented ·

Awesome - Thanks!

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