
sachin tandulkar avatar image
sachin tandulkar asked anthony.johnson edited

Sum of values in column of a table

Is there a readymade function to get the sum of all the values in a particular column of a table? I can do it with for loop but again, lot of coding. Please let me know.

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Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered sachin tandulkar commented

You can use the query command and use SQL to find the sum:

  1. query("SELECT SUM([Col 1]) FROM GlobalTable1");
  2. int sum = getqueryvalue(1, 1);

But that's about the same amount of coding as a for loop:

  1. int sum = 0;
  2. for(int i = 1; i <= gettablerows("GlobalTable1"); i++)
  3. sum += gettablenum("GlobalTable1", i, 1);
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anthony.johnson avatar image
anthony.johnson answered anthony.johnson edited
  1. getdatastat(STAT_SUM, gettablerows("GlobalTable1"), gettablenum("GlobalTable1", count, 1))
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