a colleague starting working on alternatives to get better performance on a big warehouse model and he wanted to test using networkNodes instead of Astar on a demo where he's getting this exception:
time: 52265.850944 exception: Exception Caught in NetworkNavigator::queryDistanceEx(TaskExecuter* te, FlexSimObject* destobj, NetworkNode* originnetnode, NetworkNode** bestorigin DEFAULTNULL, NetworkNode** bestdestnode DEFAULTNULL, int * bestoriginrow DEFAULTNULL, int * bestdestcol DEFAULTNULL, double* bestdist DEFAULTNULL) object: /DefaultNetworkNavigator
time: 52265.850944 exception: Exception Caught in NetworkNavigator::navigateToObject(treenode traveler, treenode destination, double endspeed) object: /DefaultNetworkNavigator
time: 52265.850944 exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction250__project_library_FlexSimObject_behaviour_eventfunctions_OnTimerEvent object: /Operator2 i: /Operator2>variables/coordinatedtasks/ts221/task143 class: /Operator2
time: 52265.850944 exception: Exception caught in TreeNode::receivemessage()
time: 52265.850944 exception: Exception caught in Executive::processeventinlist().
what's weird is that using repeat random streams it varies when the exception shows