
Glenson G avatar image
Glenson G asked Glenson G commented

Viewing global table results for multiple scenarios with experimenter

Hi there,

I have tried to find answers to similar questions but I could not get it. My apologies if it has really been answered!

In the 18.2.3 version I was using previously, I could just go to the experimenter and choose the default reset scenario e.g. 22 AGVs as I would like to view the "DeliveryLog" global table to find the difference in the delivery timings with different amount of AGVs (different scenarios). However for the 22.2 version, they run multiple scenarios at one time. May I ask in the 22.2.3 version, how would I be able to view the "DeliveryLog" global table of the different numbers of AGVs simulated?

Thank you very much!

Hi @Felix Möhlmann , not sure if you would be able to help with this so I am just tagging you just in case. Much appreciated if you are able to. Thank you!


FlexSim 22.2.3
agvglobal tableexperimenterscenarios
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Glenson G commented

The experimenter saves all 'output' tables to the sqlite-file, when the respective option is checked. These are tables from Statistics Collectors and Calculated Tables. To save a global table, you can have a calculated table clone it.

All data will appear in one big table, with scenario and replication columns to differentiate between the runs.



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