
abrahim avatar image
abrahim asked abrahim commented

Address book in G>IS


I would like to know how I can add delivery points in the form of ADDRESS BOOK in GIS map.


FlexSim 22.2.0
gis map
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered abrahim commented

Routing in a map to nearest point to a path, street or highway depends on coordinates you set in your model. You want to correlate a customer name or firm to a coordinate. Then you setup values in a list and enhance this value by parameter values of attributes like name, street, and so on. You can retrieve these coordinates by a query in your list and use them as destinations.

On the other hand if you want such a data already incorporated in gis data, you will write a code to get coordinates of public available databases or to find a commercial provider doing this.

Edit: Please look for “geocoding API”.

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