
Maíra A avatar image
Maíra A asked Maíra A commented

Turnout function (Railworks Library)


How can i represent a turnout function in the RailWorks Library? I need to avoid collisions in situations like that, making the other train choose a different way.

FlexSim 22.2.0
teste-amv2.fsm (65.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

Pedro Ortelani avatar image
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Pedro Ortelani answered Maíra A commented

Hi Maira,

You can control the locomotive destination via the MoveTrain processflow activity, the solution in the case pointed by the model "teste_amv2.fsm" would be to create a MoveTrain activity that has the "Rail4" object as its destination for one of the locomotives.

Then the other locomotive can pass throught the "Rail2", and when it does, you trigger another MoveTrain to get the waiting locomotive to the initial destiny (RailControlPoint1 for the TrainSource1 locomotive and RailControlPoint2 for the TrainSource2 locomotive).

This kind of maneuver is created through logic on Processflow.

I hope it helps.

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