
TalHzf avatar image
TalHzf asked TalHzf commented

AGV Task Executer

Hi all,

I am Flexsim beginner, I intend to study the number of AGVs and Employees needed.

I want to do the simulation of a washing machine, which is served with differents products.

The products are placed on a wash-fixture,the fixture is also placed on a support.

1. The AGV transports the full pallet( Product+Fixture+Support) from A to B, but It dropps off the Product+Fixture in the queue B to be later send to the machine and dropps off the support in the queue C.

2. When the product is washed, the employee put it in the queue D and place the fixture on the support in queue C.

3. The AGV retransport the support+fixture to the queue A to fill with other unclean products.

4. The AGV have to transport the Products from queue D to the warehouse.

Thank you for help

AGV HT.fsm

FlexSim 22.2.2
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered TalHzf commented

Hey @TalHzf, I'll give you some pointers you could try. I'll link documentation as well so you can reference different parts and try to understand what they do in FlexSim.

1) The structure of your Product+Fixture+Support sounds like this in my head: I have a box (product) that gets placed in a tote (fixture) which is on a pallet (support). Boxes, totes, and pallets are called "flowitems"; you can think of them as the objects/resources that move around in the model and are "acted upon". For example, I may have a flowitem that gets picked up by an Operator, or moved along a Conveyor - they don't act for themselves.

There are a few ways to combine objects. The first way is to use a Combiner. They take in an object to be stacked on (i.e., totes, pallets, etc.) in Input Port 1 and items to be stacked (i.e., boxes) in Input Port 2.

Another way is to use Process Flow to create and move flowitems. Here's a Process Flow I setup for this.


You can find more info on Process Flows here and also their activities here. Basically what my setup is doing is two-fold. First, on the right side, I create a Pallet in the "Load Wash" queue, then create a Tote inside of that pallet. Second, on the left, I have an "Event-Triggered Source" that spawns a "Token" when a wash arrives at Queue A. It waits for a pallet-tote combination to arrive at the Load Wash. Then I move the Wash into that Tote and move the whole thing into the Transport Queue.


Note: you can change the shape of flowitems or even import your own so you can make your model look more realistic!

Now that you've got your combination, you can move it to QueueB. Before that, you want to separate the Support from the Product and Fixture. You can do that using a Separator (the opposite of a Combiner). The default behavior of a Separator is that it sends the Container (pallet) to Output Port 1 and its contents (tote and box) to Output Port 2. You can have a setup like this to finish step 1.


2) Separating the Wash from the Fixture can be done using another Separator. This time, we send the Fixture to a Combiner to reunite with the Support. We can send the Wash straight to QueueD.

3) Have the Combiner send the Fixture+Support back to the Load Wash queue.


4) Have a Task Executer move the Wash to the Warehouse.


For moving items between Fixed Resources, you can use Task Executers and Operators. You can Center Connect them to Fixed Resources (like Separators, Queues, etc.). Then on the Fixed Resource, in the properties panel on the right, under the Output section, check the "Use Transport" button (and make sure it says "current.centerObjects[1]" (or whatever else you want to use as your transporter).


You'll know if there's a Center Port Connection if there's a red Square and a connection between the operator and the fixed resouce.

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