
ahmedmedhat avatar image
ahmedmedhat asked Jacob W2 commented

close input port based on processor state

How to close a processor input port based on its state?

I want to close it when the state is "Changeover"

FlexSim 23.0.0
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1 Answer

Jacob W2 avatar image
Jacob W2 answered Jacob W2 commented

Hi @ahmedmedhat,

This is something that can be done fairly easily by using process flow. In the attached model I created an event triggered source that fires each time the processor's state changes. I made sure that I created labels for the to and from states. I then used two decide activities to filter out state changes that I don't need to look at (this can be simplified into a single decide if you want.) Once a token with the toState for changeover is found, I then close the input on the processor, wait for the changeover to occur, (a delay activity.) And then I open the ports again to allow items to enter.

It is helpful to have a state table open so that you can make sure that you know what state a number references. These can be found in the toolbox.

Open-close ports_JW.fsm

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