
Łukasz E avatar image
Łukasz E asked Ben Wilson answered

Error MemoryProfile-Dump

Hello everyone

I have a question about error that i got. My model contains thousands of little elements entering combainers and exiting separators. I turned off the contents, 3D shapes of the obejects because i thought i may help increasing performance but I don't feel much of a difference.

PS. PC that i'am working on has 8GB RAM, does this error mean that i have too little RAM?

  1. time: 89456.000000 exception: FlexScript exception: bad allocation at VIEW:/active/MainPanel/BackPanel/SplitterXPane/SplitterYPane/ToolPane/MemoryProfile/Dump>OnPress c: VIEW:/active/MainPanel/BackPanel/SplitterXPane/SplitterYPane/ToolPane/MemoryProfile/Dump
  2. exception: FlexScript exception: bad allocation at VIEW:/active/MainPanel/BackPanel/SplitterXPane/SplitterYPane/ToolTabPane/TabControl/MemoryProfile/Dump>OnPress c: VIEW:/active/MainPanel/BackPanel/SplitterXPane/SplitterYPane/ToolTabPane/TabControl/MemoryProfile/Dump
FlexSim 21.1.5
memory profilermemory spacememory dump
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered

Hi @Łukasz E ,

For a good overview of how your various system components affect your model run performance, check out our article Recommended System Requirements.

FYI, you can simply close your view windows to avoid your GPU rendering any 3D object. This can speed up a running model if the GPU is the bottleneck. In this way you don't need to go into your model and toggle many 3D shapes and hide contents, etc. You can keep all your view settings the same, just close the view when you want to avoid rendering, then open a view when you want to see the 3D view.

However in your case it sounds like your simulation is either RAM or CPU constrained, or both.

You can open Windows Task Manager (Ctrl-Shift-Esc) and watch your resource utilization during a model run. Does your system RAM use reach 90-100% during the run? You may need more RAM to run your simulation.

When running your simulation at MAX runspeed you should see one of your CPU cores max out (a single FlexSim run is single-threaded, so will not completely max your entire CPU to 100%, just a single core). If the runspeed achieved during your model run at MAX speed does not feel adequate to you, but your RAM is not topping out, then your simulation is likely CPU constrained.

You have two options to speed up your simulation run speed:

  1. acquire more powerful computer hardware
  2. adjust your model to run more efficiently

For #2, the kinds of adjustments you can make vary from model to model. A search of this community gives a few answers with general suggestions. Perhaps some of them would work within your model:

Post a new question and attach your model if you'd like suggestions specific to your simulation model. If sharing the model is not an option, contact your local FlexSim distributor for live phone or web-meeting help where they could look at and talk about your model specifically.

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