
Milan U3 avatar image
Milan U3 asked Felix Möhlmann commented

Why "paint slot labels" doesn´t work properly?

Hello friends, I would like to ask a question. I am struggling with this issue a little bit. Usually I use this feature without problems.

1. I created label "copied_mat_num" and I assigned values from the table range to this label

2. Values were imported

3. I see the specific value in the range

4. When I am trying to paint the slot with this value, I see only black color and it doesn´t work properly.

What could be the reason?

Thanks in advance


FlexSim 23.0.0
storage systempaint slot labelstable range
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered
@Milan U3 , this problem had been already discussed. It is a problem of zero number characters in a string as a label value for painted slots.
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