
CSN avatar image
CSN asked Carter Walch edited

Upstream Output Order did not work

I add two mass flow conveyors to the end of one MFC and set the Upstream Output Order of them. But it didonot work, the amount of goods on the conveyor belt is the same.Please help to check whether I used this function incorrectly.




FlexSim 23.1.1
massflowconveyormass flow conveyorupstream output order
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Jason Lightfoot commented

The batch of items uses the full width of the first conveyor. At the transfer the total flow rate stays the same so it also fills both downstream conveyors that are each half as wide.

If you have a continuous flow that doesn't take up the whole width, it is split according to the output order.


Alternatively, if one (or both) of the downstream conveyors were faster, the flow rate (speed x width) could be split up differently between the conveyors.


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