
Martin T4 avatar image
Martin T4 asked Joerg Vogel edited

How can i set up a technical availability for an AGV?

My question is, it's is possible to give an agv a technical availability?

Best regards and thank you


FlexSim 23.0.5
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

Availability is a statistical value based to time.

In seconds there is it a downtime in milliseconds. In minutes it is in seconds. Those would only act as delays of work or slower speeds of an AGV. In hours you can create downtimes to let stop an AGV on route. If an AGV working period lasts longer than its supposed availability then the chance of a longer downtime increases.

More important is the character of downtimes. Are they short and often or long and rarely? To get a stable availability over time you must choose short and often, but this is only a lesser efficiency or slower speed.
If you create long lasting breakdowns, you create automatically a larger deviation to a stable availability depending on runtime of your model.
The simple answer is there is not an availability statistical picklist option in FlexSim for automated guided vehicles or a system of them. But you can implement a technical availability by breakdowns upon MTBF/MTTR tool. You get reliable results only if a number of your breakdowns exceeds 1000 better 10.000 to fit into your model runtime.

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