
John Matteo avatar image
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John Matteo asked Julie Weller commented

Lean Manufacturing Process Flow

Hi, I would like to get some assistance in simulation for a Clean Room

Current work flow is Batch Process of 48 pieces.

No. of work stations: 6

So the batch of 48 needs to be completed before going to the next station. I'm having difficulty making this.

And I need to convert it to a single piece flow process with 4 work stations, plus 1 station shared between the 3rd and 4th station.

I'm unsure how to create these two process flow.

I would be helpful if there is an example file I can refer to

FlexSim 21.0.10
process flowsimulation
· 2
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1 Answer

Carter Walch avatar image
Carter Walch answered

Hi @John Matteo ,


Here is a sample model demonstrating what you described. You will need to change it to match your needs, but it demonstrates how to:

-send items to multiple stations

-wait for a batch of 48 before continuing the process

-combine 48 parts into 1 to be processed later

-use task sequences for a multi step process

Note: Process1 that you described I used 3D routing. Process2 used only logic from process flow. Waiting for the batch used both.

Hope this helps!

processflowdemo.fsm (51.9 KiB)
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