
lili avatar image
lili Suspended asked lili Suspended commented

Transfer items to storage if there's space


I have a model where a crane moves items into a small floor storage and then items are moved to a processor for production. The problem is that when the storage is full, the crane loads items and unable to unload them in the floor storage, stops moving.

I want to have a decide activity before acquiring the truck and the crane so that when the storage is full they won't load items from the initial queue.

Also, crane2 moves up and down while unloading each item. Is there a way I can change it to batch unloading in my specific example?

Thanks in advance!

batching test-5.fsm

FlexSim 22.2.0
decide activity process flowbatch unloadingif storage emptystorage space
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1 Answer

Paula LG avatar image
Paula LG answered lili Suspended commented


Your request can be done using the "Find Slot" Process Flow activity before acquiring your transport resources. If the system can't find a slot where the item fits, the token will stop there until there is space to store that item.

On the other hand, if you don't want the crane to go up and down to unload all the items, you can unload one item and then move the rest ("Move Object" activity), so that the resource only moves down once.

I attach a copy of your model with the suggested changes. I hope it helps!


batching-test-5.fsm (82.8 KiB)
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lili avatar image lili commented ·
Thank you so much for your response @Paula LG

This works perfectly!

I have another question regarding the visualization of items being transported from task executer to Floor storage2 by crane. How can I make the task executer stack items side by side instead of one on top of another when loading them?

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