
Ankur A3 avatar image
Ankur A3 asked Ankur A3 commented

Tracking actual cause of blockage and duration?

Hi Team,

I am trying to model the system where we have 3 processors in series having buffer in between.

Proc1, Proc2, Proc3

Proc2 have availability of 90% and Proc3 have availability of 80%

I would like to know the cause of blockage at Proc1 whether due to Proc2 or Proc3. Also, the time of blockage.

What is the best way to get these statistics?

Thank you!


FlexSim 23.1.2
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1 Answer

Carter Walch avatar image
Carter Walch answered Ankur A3 commented

Hi @Ankur A3 ,

An easy way to see these statistics is to create a "State Gantt" chart in your dashboard and attach each processor to the dashboard. This shows the states of the processors and includes at what times they occur. For example, we see that Processor1 goes into a blocked state first at 11:19. We can also see that Processor 2 AND Processor 3 are in a breakdown state at that time.



When we pause the model at that time, we can see the blocked item. Processor1 is blocked because Proc2 is in breakdown and Queue1 has max content of 2 so it can't receive the item from Processor1. Just before that, Processor2 got blocked due to Processor3 going into breakdown. The State Gantt chart helps us see the order of these state changes and when they happen



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