
Rober G avatar image
Rober G asked Julie Weller commented

Process flow vs 3D for inventory management project

Good day! I am embarking on a project as a final year engineering student and require your advice :)

I wish to create an inventory management simulation of a manufacturing plant. This simulation has the goal of being use for forecasting needed inventory levels based on certain required production levels. I wish to only have the inbound and inventory in detail. I will not be focusing on the processing of materials. I would also be making use of the experiment feature, accompanied by relevant scenario dashboards.

What environment will be best to work in? Process flow or 3D?

Kind regards

FlexSim 22.2.4
process flow3d simulationinventory managementinventory optimizationinventory tracking
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Julie Weller avatar image
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Julie Weller answered

Hi @Rober G! Almost definitely process flow controlling the 3D model. Process flow will give you much more flexibility and control of your model and will be less of a headache later on (in really complex models with lots of connections, there could be thousands of connections which can be implemented in just a few lines of process flow).

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered

Hello @Rober G, I propose for 3D logic usage, because it implements basic statistical value collection. And there are default mechanisms of material flow already elaborated, like shown in a chart of fixed resource behavior in reference manual. But I must also confess that building control logic is easier to understand in Process Flow.

If you stick to Process Flow from the beginning you must know, that any parameter you set in an object does not reflect as a condition in process flow. A queue has not got a maximum capacity, if you do not check it in Process Flow. You do not know, if items in transit by a taskexecuter are counted as requiring a storage space in an object. Taskexecuters will not be blocked at network nodes, if there is not enough storage capacity at their destination object.
Process Flow is strict code execution: Do this, do that, and respect only conditions that you set yourself in your process.
But you can do both. You can combine both logic mechanisms, whenever and wherever you want.

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