
yexioamu avatar image
yexioamu asked Julie Weller commented

The FlexSim block when i call a remote server interface by dll functon

I create a dll function that implement the winHTTP, because my flexsim is 21.2.4 which can't modify the HTTP headers.

When I call a remote server interface by this dll, it can work, but the flexsim will block a few seconds,then recieve the response from the remote server. I search this question in this forum, i read this one( Is FlexSim thread safe?), but i can't run this module.

Could i run a separate thread to prevent the flexsim block?

FlexSim 21.2.4
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Phil BoBo commented

The approach shown in the question you linked to is the right approach. You can launch a thread, and then from that thread, use PostMessage to call a function on the main thread.

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