
Cindy avatar image
Cindy asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Staytime of an object in process flow

Hi, I am looking to simulate a blood bank, and i want to get the satytime of the products that enter the model to decide if i have to throw them or if i can use them. So, I wanted to know how to put in processflow in a decide activity the staytime of an specific object.

FlexSim 23.1.1
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

Staytime stats usually refer to the time in a process flow activity or a 3D object. For your case, just record the creation/ entry time as a label on the token/item and then in the decide use

  1. time()- token.entryTime


  1. time()=token.item.entryTime

or push onto a list and add an expression for time()-pushTime for time it's been there.

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