
christoph gruber avatar image
christoph gruber asked christoph gruber commented

Expertfit "An unsupported....."message in Flexim2023 LT and Win 11

I still get this message in Expertfit "An unsupported operation was attempted". (Win 11)

The following action i did and unfortunately doesn´t work:

1. Uninstall and reinstall Flexsim doesn`t work (.msi file)!

2. Register_OCX.bat as Admin doesn´t work!

3. AppData\Roaming\Flexsim.......prefs.t delete is not posible in Win 11 and doesn´t work!

How can I solve it?

FlexSim 23.0.11
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered christoph gruber commented

Sometimes, depending on IT system policies, the RegSvr32.exe command will not be allowed to make the changes it needs to make. Here are some things to try:

  • Remove the /s from all lines in the Register_OCX.bat file using a text editor with administrator privileges.
  • From an admin command prompt at the correct expertfit directory (not by right-clicking the file in Windows Explorer), run the .bat file again.
  • See if any errors or issues are reported. If there are errors, it is most likely an IT issue.
  • What to do will depend on what errors are printed.

If that still doesn't resolve the problem, please post a screenshot of the results, showing:

  1. The installation directory of FlexSim.
  2. The administrator command prompt.
  3. The results of these commands in the command prompt.
  4. The currently running programs. (FlexSim and ExpertFit should be closed when running the script to register their files.)
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