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Student asked Student commented

AGV with Basic Parking - Does Not Travel to Queue

Hello, I'm still new to this software and has tried a bit of exploration. I'm interested in building simulations of AGV with basic parking and have tried to create a simple simulation. I am hoping for the AGV to pick up items in queue and delivers it to the sink, and park when there is no item.

When I click run for my simulation, there is still no item in the queue in the beginning so the AGV goes to the parking spot. However, when there is item in the queue, the AGV does not move to pick up the items and stuck in the park spot. Why does this happen?


FlexSim 23.2.2
exercise.fsm (70.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Student commented

That AGV template has the AGV wait for a pickup at it's control point as described here. It doesn't look for other control points' pickups. The next template in the list with heuristic parking should work for you.

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