
mark zhen avatar image
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mark zhen asked mark zhen action

agv problems

  1. agv.fsm我想知道為什麼我的汽車越來越多,如何改善橫向運動
FlexSim 20.0.10
flexsim 20.0.10#agv
agv.fsm (99.6 KiB)
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1 Answer

Eric M avatar image
Eric M answered Eric M commented

霈倫 Like Jörg said, your process flow is creating a new task executer (car) every time an object leaves the queue which is why you are getting so many. To fix this, you can delete the "create object" and "destroy object" events in process flow. Also delete all of the extra task executers (cars) that you don't need in the 3d view.

Next, you will want to create 2 global lists, one for each queue which you can do in the toolbox by selecting the green + > global list > item list. In each of the queue's output settings, select the box "use transport" and use list as shown below:

You will then add those lists in your process flow and pull from them to make the task executers move. See this model for more details. agv (1).fsm

Also, for more complex AGV systems, the built in AGV process flow is really useful. You can learn more here:

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agv-1.fsm (82.9 KiB)
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