
Meteor avatar image
Meteor asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Conveyor Skirt Positioning

snap.pngMiniload Conveyor 24102023 (current).fsm

1)I attach my project and I want position changed as shown in figure

2) I want to visualize the belt conveyor or diverter in side the roller conveyorsnap-1.png

FlexSim 23.1.1
conveyorconveyor beltsideskirt
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1 Answer

Jonah K avatar image
Jonah K answered Jonah K edited

As for your first issue with the side skirt, this issue has been fixed in FlexSim version 24.0. You can download the 24.0 beta here under More Versions.

In 24.0, you can edit the angle at which the sideskirt and extents will draw with the "sidetransfertiltlimit" under the ConvyeorSystem variables. As shown in the image below, in 24.0 I made the last side transfer conveyor slightly declined, then decreased the sidetransfertiltlimit to be very small.


If this doesn't solve your second problem, I would just suggest creating visual objects that look like the belt which could overlap the parent conveyor, as they do not provide any other function in the simulation.

1699294343661.png (1.4 MiB)
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