
Fer Díaz avatar image
Fer Díaz asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Pull strategy based on product priority


In this simulation pullstrategy_priority.fsm, I created 4 products in 4 different queues, each with a different priority, but giving higher importance to priority 1. These products are picked up by the transporter according to their priority. It works well, except for the first item taken by the transporter from queue 1, which is taken independently of its priority.

Additional information: these products are dispatched to a combiner, where they will be packed until a certain number of items is reached, depending on the product type. I used queue 5 before the combiner, as the combiner doesn't have a pull strategy.

I think it is related to the initialization of the variables in the code developed in the pullstrategy of queue5.

I would appreciate if someone can help me.

FlexSim 23.1.1
queuepull strategyinput port
· 1
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

The first problem is that the label 'Tipo' is zero on the pallet entering the combiner - so it can't look up row zero in the table to find the components. You'll see an exception in the system console because of this.To get the queue to pull correctly the first item, just close the input on reset and schedule it to open after the initial wip is created://on the queue5 resettriggercloseinput(current);createevent(current,0.001,EVENT_USEROPENINPUT);The problem I see you having is how to coordinate the pulls with the quantities the combiner needs. You could use the pull requirement to pull a pallet with the highest Tipo value if you had that label populated correctly. You might find it easier to implement something using Process Flows. Alternatively, and with that in mind, I'd suggest looking at the Opportunistic Combiner example which you could alter to reflect priorities.

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