
Patrick Cloutier avatar image
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Patrick Cloutier asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Tasksequence or not in ProcessFlow ?

This might seem like a weird question but why or when would one need to use TaskSequence in Processflow ?

I have created many many models where I control operators and trucks directly such as in this simple example and I have never used TaskSequence objects:


What am I missing? What would be the advantages of using that?


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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Jason Lightfoot edited
Process Flow task activity is a substitute of a classic 3D logic tasksequence. It creates and dispatches a tasksequence of two tasks. A task of action and a callback task to the process flow logic. You can argument, that you create by this an additional overhead, which can cause errors. But currently it seems working as attended.

A classic tasksequence can you dispatch and forget. A taskexecuter will execute it later. It can be preempted, transferred to other taskexecuters, if a taskexecuter breaks down or ends his shift. It is a document on its own that you can store in lists. You can analyze the data and create a different tasksequence from it. You can duplicate it and use it as a template. You can manipulate it directly in scope of a taskexecuter.

It is a local object in contrast to a centralized process flow of sequences of task activities.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

If you uncheck 'Wait Until Complete', then each task activity does not create a pair of tasks with the second being a callback.

If you create a task sequence in a process flow you have the built in opportunity to add priority and preemption attributes along with milestone tasks should the sequence get prempted and reassigned.

You can in the same way set and forget the task sequence built in a process flow and even allow it to be transferred/reassinged, as long as when you refer to task executer (eg. to push it back on a list when the task is finishing) you use findownerobject(tasksequence) instead of some resource token label you may have set when dispatching it. However it's important to consider the range of milestones and uncheck "Wait Until Complete" for those within the range since we don't want the callback to fire twice (or more) for those tasks.

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