
royjuventus29 avatar image
royjuventus29 asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Is it possible to define a specific flow item moving path on a Processor

I have created a "Processor" and I would like to flow item on it to move in a specific path. Normally for the Processor it moves in a straight line. But I would like to make it move in a curve. For example in the picture, I want the cylinder to move along the curve conveyor (which I defined as a "Processor"). Is it possible?


FlexSim 24.0.1
processorflow itemcurve path
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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Felix Möhlmann commented

@royjuventus29 I can think of different solutions:

1. Use either the module SDK of the DLL Maker and create a new object that you descends from a processor and where you change the kinematics of the move.

2. You switch off the moving but create an animation that you start when an object enters the processor

3. Create your own processor in Process Flow and add kinematics too it.

I would not try 1 because that is a lot of work while the other 2 are easier. If you get 2 too work that is the fastest solution

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