
Mel avatar image
Mel asked Jeanette F commented

Collecting/grouping tokens at a specific time interval and ungrouping the parent

I want to implement multiple layers of grouping and ungrouping of tokens, representing the process of packing and unpacking some boxes. I have multiple sources in the process flow, each of them generating tokens (boxes) with a specific properties and label value.

1. First grouping/labeling:

I want to combine these tokens, group, and label them at each 'x' minutes passing (a time interval), using tokens' creation time. So, tokens that have been generated in the first 'x' minutes of the simulation time, have label 1 and so on.

2. Second grouping/labeling:

I have some number of containers as a resource with the capacity of 'y'. I want to see the tokens that got the same label in step 1 require how many containers. i.e. if they are 15 tokens with label 1 in step 1, they need 'z = ceiling(15/y)' number of containers and will get that value as their label value.

3. After doing some operations on the containers, I want to ungroup them based on the label they got at step 1 and then based on the label they got in step 2.

FlexSim 22.0.16
batchzoneconditional decide
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

In a Batch activity you can decide what you want to do with labels of batched items. I suggest you aggregate them in arrays. Then you have still access to label values.
Once you have reduced your number of tokens inside a Batch activity you loose all references of previous existing tokens. Later you can only create new tokens and assign data of your arrays to them.

If you need a more specific answer, we need a model to discuss it with you.

5 |100000

Up to 12 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 23.8 MiB each and 47.7 MiB total.