
collier avatar image
collier asked collier commented

How to count the number of breakdowns that happen?

I am using the MTBF MTTR for a crane and would like to put on the dashboard how many times it has a breakdown in the simulation.

If possible it would be great to calculate the average time between failures in that simulation and how long it is down for.

FlexSim 22.2.4
dashboardsstatisctis collector
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered collier commented

Increment a tracked variable on Breakdown:

  1. TrackedVariable("TrackedVariable1").value +=1;

You need to setup a trackedvariable first in Toolbox > Statistics. Choose type "cumulative"

Later you can pin a statistic line chart by red bin icon after a double click on toolbox item tracked variable to a dashboard.

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

You can listen to the "Down Function" event of the MTBF/MTTR with a Statistics Collector. This let's you log the time, object and duration of the breakdown.

By searching the table for the last breakdown of the respective object you can also store the uptime since the previous breakdown.

With a Calculated Table you can then determine get sums, averages or other aggregates of the collected data.


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