
Cindy avatar image
Cindy asked Jeanette F commented

How to set different distributions for a source in process flow as a parameter

Hi, I was looking at the question posted in 2020 by Ismael R3 in this link, and i was trying to do something similar, but i dont have empirical distributions, instead i have some different values for an exponential distribution, and im configuring an inter-arrival source in processflow.

I did the things explained there just setting the parameter as different distributions but i need to use them as a parameter to change in a source in processflow.

The thing is that when i tried to run the experimenter with that the program just stopped working, so i dont know if it is different in process flow or if i did something wrong.

According to that answer the parameter should be like this:


And in the source i shoul put the parameter as the inter-arrival source like this:


What is supposed to be in those boxes?
I tried with the code of the answer but then when i try tu run the experimenter everything just stops working.

I´m i doing something wrong?, or does it not work with processflow?

Thank you for your help!

FlexSim 23.1.0
processflowparametersexponential distribution
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

Option 1:

Put the expression into the option table and pass in the random number stream as a parameter.



The same could be done with an "Expression" type parameter. Instead of having a set of pre-defined options, you would enter the distributions in the Experimenter scenario table.

Option 2:

Use separate parameters for the distribution parameters.



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5 |100000

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