
Catarina avatar image
Catarina asked Catarina edited

Socket communication Flexsim (Windows) and Linux c++ script

I've been trying to establish a socket communication between Flexsim and a Linux c++ script, but i had no sucess. Someone can help me. I put here the photos of each code i'm using.

FlexSim 24.1.0
windowscommunication socketsocketslinux
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
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Jordan Johnson answered Catarina commented

I can't debug your C++ program. But I made this demo that works on a local computer (


The python script makes a simple socket echo server. If you have python installed, you can run the file from a command prompt like so:

  1. cd path/to/folder
  2. python -m

If you run that file, the server just sends and receives in a loop. Once the server is running, you can run the model and see that the model is sending and receiving via the socket. For me, this all worked fine, so I don't think it's an issue with FlexSim's socket code.

It looks like you're trying to connect to a different computer. Sometimes firewalls or other network issues can prevent sockets.

Note: I tested this with Python 3.11.

echoserverdemo.fsm (27.0 KiB) (669 B)
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