
Cindy Schiess avatar image
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Cindy Schiess asked Ben Wilson edited

FlexSim and Windows 10

How does FlexSim work with Windows 10? We are doing a test with Windows 10 and are curious if FlexSim will work with it.

If not, how soon will FlexSim support it (I am assuming you will eventually have to change)?

FlexSim 16.0.1
windowssystem requirementswindows 10
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
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Ben Wilson answered Joshua S commented

Many of us in the office are using FlexSim on Windows 10 without any problems, so upgrade at your convenience, with confidence that FlexSim fully supports Windows 10.

We try to keep the System Requirements up to date, so you can always check there as a first pass, then touch base here at if there is any doubt or if you need more information.

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