
Euric D avatar image
Euric D asked Euric D commented

Java for Flexsim????

Quick question, Is Java 8 still a requirement for Flexsim on both the server and or workstation at this point? My team is looking to remove Java 8 from all workstations and servers to avoid the licensing fee on everything that isn't required to have it.

FlexSim 23.2.1
system requirementsjava
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Euric D commented

Java has never been required by FlexSim Software itself.

If you use FlexSim and license it using a local license server, you're using a Revenera Flexnet license manager, either lmadmin or lmtools. Read more about it: license managers - lmtools vs lmadmin.

lmadmin uses Java, but lmadmin versions released in the last several years do not bundle Java with the lmadmin installer. You must download and install your own flavor and version of Java separately.

That said, FlexSim recommends using lmtools for your license manager, which avoids Java. (online guide, pdf).

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