
Marco Baccalaro avatar image
Marco Baccalaro asked Jason Lightfoot answered

Finish kinematics bug

Finish kinematics bug.fsm


there is a known bug on the Finish kinematics activity of the process flow that is not fixed.
It was reported here: Finish kinematics activity also moves up of object - FlexSim Community

Now I'm stuck in a model because:

  • if I finish the kinematics on the item, the node into the onPreDrawTrigger node is not deleted and kinematic continue to be applied to objects around the model
  • if I finish the kinematics on all objects, also the object owner of that trigger is affected

Is it there a workaround that I can use?

FlexSim 24.1.0
bug reportkinematicskinematics with process flowfinish kinematics
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered

I'm not sure exactly what the correct behaviour should look like (it still looks a little odd to me) but here's a version where I destroy the kinematics nodes each time they are finished - something I've had to do in the past, perhaps it works for you too.


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