
kauan pedroso avatar image
kauan pedroso asked Jeanette F commented

Assembly line sequencing with process flow

Hello team,

I'm setting up an assembly line sequencing, and in some parts, I'm using process flow. I'm still a beginner in process flow, but I'm making an effort. In my simulation, I have a source 1 that generates 3 models for me in the sequence 1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,3... When my product reaches processor 31, a signal is sent to queue2 using process flow to create a kit for the product there. My first problem is that in processor 33 and queue4, the product and the kit need to be the same, but this is not happening. It ends up with product model 1 and kit model 2, but I don't know how to fix this. The second problem is in my processor 32; this processor represents when I have defective product output. When this product is fixed, I want to make another call similar to what I do in processor 31, but with an IF condition: if there is a leftover kit in queue4, it makes another kit in queue2.

I will share my model to make understanding easier.

@Gustavo Teodoro @Jeanette F @Jason Lightfoot @Joerg Vogel


FlexSim 23.1.0
processs flowtask sequencing in process flowsequencing
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kauan pedroso avatar image kauan pedroso commented ·

Hello, @Felix Möhlmann @Jason Lightfoot , Can you help me with this matter?

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kauan pedroso avatar image kauan pedroso commented ·

Can someone help me with this problem?

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Felipe Capalbo avatar image Felipe Capalbo kauan pedroso commented ·

My main problem was trying to understand your concerns. If you can describe every detail your solution must contain, it will be easier for us to help.

Você pode tentar descrever seu problema em português, caso seja melhor.

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Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @kauan pedroso, was one of Felipe Capalbo's answers helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of the one that best answers your question. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

If we haven't heard back from you within 3 business days we'll auto-accept an answer, but you can always comment back to reopen your question.

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Felipe Capalbo avatar image
Felipe Capalbo answered kauan pedroso commented

So let me recapitule: the item goes from StraightConveyor13 to Processor33. As soon as the item arrives at Processor33, you want to move an Item that is inside Queue4, if there is one.

If this discription is correct, you can do this:1715777422606.png

The Event Trigger Source is triggered as an Item enters the Processor33:

The decide is set by a Conditional Deicide, with the following condition:

Model.find("Queue4").subnodes.length == 0

The Move Object activity is set by:

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kauan pedroso avatar image kauan pedroso commented ·

No, @Felipe Capalbo , I am already doing that. However, as I mentioned below, I need it to be the same kit for each model. Currently, the kit is being assigned randomly. I want to use an IF formula to send model 1 with KIT 1, model 2 with KIT 2, and model 3 with KIT 3.

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Felipe Capalbo avatar image Felipe Capalbo kauan pedroso commented ·


See if this can help you with your logic:

The Assign Labels in the Creation Kit container, assign the label "Type" to the token created, which is referencing the "MyLabel1" label of the FlowItem created in the 3D model.

The Create Object activity, assign the label "lb_Kit" to the new flow item created in the 3D, mirroring the fist flow item referenced.

Now, the "kits" with the correct labels can be moved to the place you want, depending on its label.

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kauan pedroso avatar image kauan pedroso Felipe Capalbo commented ·

Well, @Felipe Capalbo , thank you for the help, but I still haven't been able to solve my problem. I can release the part when it arrives at processor 33, but it doesn't release by the same type.

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Felipe Capalbo avatar image
Felipe Capalbo answered kauan pedroso edited

Hello, Kauan!

For your first problem, the Processor 33 is receiving itens from the StraightConveyor13, which transports items from a different type than the Queue 4 receives. If you can, describe the problem with more details.

For your second problem, you can use the ProcessFlow with another Event Trigger Source activity, referencing the Entry Trigger on the "Queue4". For exemple: when a leftover kit is created inside or moved to Queue4, a token is genereted by an Event Trigger Source, connected to your "Creation Kit" container.

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kauan pedroso avatar image kauan pedroso commented ·

Hello, @Felipe Capalbo !

This is from StraightConveyor13 to Processor33, and when item 1 arrives at Processor33, I wanted to trigger that kit 1, which is in my Queue4, to go to Processor38. However, in my process flow, I ended up using the move item using Model.find("Queue4").subnodes[1], but with this formula, I can't pull the kit I want based on the item in my Processor33. Take a look at my model to see if it's clear..


Another thing that wasn't clear to me is the solution to my second problem. Can you detail that better for me?

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