
Ehab Alazabi avatar image
Ehab Alazabi asked Joerg Vogel answered

FlexSim Book

Hello there.

I was wondering, what is the difference between:
1- FlexSim's user manual (2017).
2- Applied Simulation: Modeling and Analysis Using FlexSim (2011).

And which is better?

FlexSim 24.1.0
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·
@Ehab Alazabi, all of your sources are outdated for FlexSim 2024. You find on video platforms complete starting courses of a whole week. They were recorded about two years ago. You find many tutorials in manual of FlexSim. You find demo models and related videos for them about newer features. If you want to build a course to teach FlexSim, I recommend you start with some really basic lessons about 3D models and Process Flow and then let students find their own way to gather knowledge and experiences in FlexSim.
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Ehab Alazabi avatar image Ehab Alazabi Joerg Vogel commented ·

I am both learning, and want to teach FlexSim, i would apricate it if you provide me with source links.

Thank you.

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

FlexSim Videos repository:

start with FlexSim 2020 tutorial

later In-depth video Tutorials.

look for videos about new features and find articles about them at

tutorials are inside of the manual in

you can select different versions.

Animation tutorials are pdf files in

In the past I tried to prevent students to seek answers in a forum. Today this is unimportant for me, because my main focus is on a valid documentation. They have to document their logic in diagrams and texts. This can only be achieved, if they understand what they have received as solutions from users of a forum. And you can only describe really successful, if you build it for yourself and on your own.

And most important are statistical result discussions and analysis.

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