
Murphy avatar image
Murphy asked Murphy commented

Item rotate in conveyor


why Item could not rotate in conveyor when I set like graph. If use DP could be make item rotate, but why could't be finish in conveyor. Thanks for you answer.

FlexSim 24.0.0
rotate item
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Murphy commented

An item cannot rotate by item object properties. An item is on a conveyor a conveyorItem. Conveyors belong to API Class conveyors. Items are visually parts of this Conveyor Class, if they are moved by conveyors. Conveyors are not Fixed Resources. Their inheritance is a module in FlexSim.

If you want to rotate conveyorItems do this from triggers of your conveyor system or by API class Conveyor.Item.

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Murphy avatar image Murphy commented ·


I coding like that, but it's seems can't work, it's that correct? or have some problem in here, thanks you answer!

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Murphy commented ·


Your last attempt is exchanging a method by a command. Doing it correctly is an approach of reading, analyzing and not of try and error.

If you cannot adjust the source code of a picklist of a photoeye trigger to rotate an item, then there is nothing else you can do.

If it is just a pure visual reason, you want to rotate the shape of an item, then you can still rotate offset values of the shape.

or an attribute if it accessible already in the tree.

offsetrz >

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Murphy avatar image Murphy Joerg Vogel commented ·
Thanks you share!
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