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iceagesimulator asked Paula LG answered

Release Transport Activity but do not return transport

In my model, after a person is transported by gurney to fixed resource 2 (BasicFR2) I move the used gurney to Queue1. I want the gurney to remain in Queue1, but I also want to release the transport so it can be used later in the model. When I use the "Release Transport" activity, the RN1 staff comes to get the gurney and moves it back to where the gurney originated. Is there a way to use the "Release Transport" activity and ignore or disable the need for returning the transport back to it's origin?



FlexSim 24.0.2
healthcarerelease transport
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1 Answer

Paula LG avatar image
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Paula LG answered


To obtain that behavior you have to change the following property of the gurney:


In your model this parameter has a value of 1, set it to 0 for all your gurneys and they will stay where you put them when released.

I hope it helps!

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