
ericat avatar image
ericat asked Felix Möhlmann answered

The processor does not process the flow item sorted by expression OnEntry Queue

bufferOnEntry.fsmThe flowitems are labeled with setLabel on Entry Queue, then sort by Expression OnEntry queue. However, the problem is the processor won't process the flowitem according to the sorted flow item. Please help me with this problem.

FlexSim 23.1.2
processoronentrysort by expression
bufferonentry.fsm (38.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

Where are you seeing this? When I run your model, the processors always work on the first item in the queue which is the one with the highest 'Priority' value. Note that the first arriving item will be send to the processor before more items enter the queue. To circumvent this, you either need to utilize lists with the "Allow Multiple Pushes Before Backorder Fulfillment" option active. Or have the Queue outputs closed and the start of the model and only open them after some tiny amount of time.

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