
wooram-kim avatar image
wooram-kim asked Logan Gold answered

Conveyor leaves an afterimage when it is hidden by using switch_hidecontents()


I found that conveyor leaves an afterimage when it is hidden by using switch_hidecontents() or unchecking Edit>Show Content. The afterimage is not deleted until I reset the model. Other types of 3D objcet seem not to leave an afterimage. Is there any way to solve this problem?

Thank you.

FlexSim 24.1.0
conveyorafterimagehide contents
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

I think, I saw visual options for conveyors properties in toolbox item. The conveyor, like other sections of library are inserted as modules rather than fixed resource objects. Commands are overloaded to work with modules but there also methods to achieve similar effects in a module additionally.

Perhaps you can apply fixed resource methods only to a display mode setting when render mode is deactivated:

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wooram-kim avatar image wooram-kim commented ·

I separated my model into several subsections and I placed them on different planes. I wanted to hide and show the subsections dynamically while the simulation runs. To this end, I thought using switch_hidecontents() was best. In case of switch_hideshape(), conveyors do not leave afterimages. Does the switch_hideshape() use a different mechanism from switch_hidecontents()?

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1 Answer

Logan Gold avatar image
Logan Gold answered

This is a bug with Conveyor visuals, and I have submitted a bug report to the developers.

For now, I think the best option is a workaround where you can still use switch_hidecontents for everything in a Plane except Conveyors, and then use switch_hideshape on the Conveyors.

I am attaching a model (Switch_HideContents_ConveyorsInPlane_Workaround_24.1.fsm) as an example of how you can do this with an On Run Start trigger and a User Command. The Run Start trigger uses a table query to find all objects in the model that contain Conveyors (just the Plane objects in the example) and combines all references to those Conveyors into an array and stores that array as a label on the object.

Then the User Command will loop through the array of Conveyors being stored on an Object and call switch_hideshape on those Conveyors. And then it calls switch_hidecontents on the Plane to hide the rest of the objects.

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