
Martin K5 avatar image
Martin K5 asked Felix Möhlmann answered

How to use distancetotravel() method with specific slots?


I would like to ask regarding the distancetotravel() method in combination with an AGV network (task executer connected to this network) and Storage System's slot. When I try to find the distance to a specific slot, it only returns a large number.

Is is even possible to find this specific distance that the task executer has to travel (to the specific slot)?

Thank you,


FlexSim 23.2.3
network nodesagv networkslotdistancetotravel
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

For a task executer connected to an AGV network distancetotravel() can only return the distance to control points (or objects connected to them as a location).

So either you would need to add a control point for each slot and create a data structure where you can look up which CP belongs to the slot in question, then measure the distance to that slot.

Or you take the distance to the closest CP and add the offset distance to the slot (which again would be stored somewhere) after getting the distance to travel.

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