
Klaudia avatar image
Klaudia asked Klaudia commented

Staffing Process

Hi, I need help with my model. I'm working on workforce allocation so I'm using simulation to model my process which focus on assembly and prefabrication of components. First problem its with my process flow after running a simulation my general process flow goes to Station 7 which u can see in Tree of the model. U can see also that wierd thing appear on the model floor.1721393091126.png1721393074282.pngSecond Problem its with the items on Station, the first three station working good with travel, load and unload but I can't model next stations. Workers doesn't load the items from stations. Do you have any advice how to fix it?

Model 3.fsm

FlexSim 24.0.2
process flow
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Klaudia commented

Every Unload activity below the red line tells the worker to unload the Process Flow (current) into a station. Hence you see the Process Flow node appear as a subnode of station 7.


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Klaudia avatar image Klaudia commented ·

Thanks, I've changed that already. I did it cause I don't know how to join 2 objects into one. I made some changes to the model but still I have a problem how to model assembly of two different objects from different stations. Is there any option to split the labels from one token to two or three tokens? Like I have token with label st3_1 and st3_2 (which model two objects) I want to split this token into two - one with label st3_1 and one with lable st3_2 and send specific port to specific station, is this possible? Or maybe you have any idea how to model assembly of two objects in ProcessFlow? When I batch tokens the labels are overwrited so later I can't join objects into one with activity Move object.m5.fsm

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Klaudia commented ·

There are ways to keep all labels when batching tokens. But those involve manual coding. Instead I see decent ways of building this:

1) Using a list to pass items between the processes. Each process has its own independent flow that pulls the needed items from a list where they are pushed to by previous processes.

The advantage here is that this can easily work with different arrival rates for the initial input.


2) A single token first creates all items and then creates child tokens in the initial process blocks. You can set the child tokens to have read access to the parent labels which means each child token can reference any of the items and you don't have to care about passing references between tokens later on. Additionally, this allows you to group the batches by their common parent token, making sure that each batch contains one token from each connector (because a second token from the same connector would belong to a different parent).


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Klaudia avatar image Klaudia Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Thank you very much! I don't want to open a new question but as u can see in a model - number of workers are assign to assembly. It can be different number of workers from a array in StuffingLimits. Workers are also permanently assigned to stations and do not return to the Resource object - so I will delete Realese activities in ProcessFlow. The problem is that even if 2 operators are assign to a job, only one is traveling and doing work. In label resource there are two operators but only one is travelling etc. I tried with SubFlows and creating number of token matching number of operators. But then each token has his own time of delay, so its seems like its done double or triple. It's necessary for me to use every operator available to process because I want to invastigate efficiency of each operator. So I will need to use State Chart of operator's state processing. Do you have any idea how in easy way solve this problem?

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