
RubenAlves avatar image
RubenAlves asked RubenAlves commented

Model example working with AGV and elevator


I'm trying to create a simulation of a hotel, working with agv in the laundry system. I have had several issues with this model, can anyone help me with a similar model working correctly ?

Thanks in advance

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Have you looked at the AGV logic tutorial? It walks you through creating a similar model.

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RubenAlves avatar image RubenAlves Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Yes, i already finish the tutorial, know i'm watching "FlexSim In- Depth Tutorial: Part 3".

My problem with the model created of the tutorials, its that's hard to control, create a periodic logic of multiple objects with different destionations.

I already have expose that one question, in the past. Question Flexsim

An example, its that one model, that it's funcional, but for 3 suites, i wanna scale this to 182 rooms. Can you please give a path to flow? i'm kind lose... Hotel_AGV_Answers_.fsm

Thanks :)


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44-autosave.fsm (238.4 KiB)
hotel-agv-answers.fsm (221.1 KiB)
Logan Gold avatar image Logan Gold ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @RubenAlves, was Felix Möhlmann's answer helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of their answer. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

If we haven't heard back from you within 3 business days we'll auto-accept an answer, but you can always comment back to reopen your question.

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered RubenAlves commented

Here's a more scalable version of the item creation logic. The Process Flow creates one token per suite and type which then read the interval and load times from a global table and keep looping indefinitely.

The difference between the four sections is indeed only what origin and destination are assigned as labels in the source and from which column the interval is read in the delay activity. The syntax in the delay is setup so you could also use a statistical distribution in the table.

The logic uses the object name to identify the origin/destination so the current format needs to be kept for any future suites.


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RubenAlves avatar image RubenAlves commented ·

Thank you for your help, but I still have some questions, such as, why does the "Supplies1" object always be created but with a different destination?

When applying creation through "DeliveryIntervals" it is not possible for me to schedule the events, just create them repetitively, which in this practical case does not apply. So I question whether it is possible to create objects by calendar instead of time intervals.

Regarding scheduling for several rooms, I question whether this will be the best solution as there are 182 rooms in which I will have to create 182 rows in the "DeliveryIntervals" table. If this is the best solution, I don't see any problem in creating them, I just question it, as I haven't done it yet with the aim of improving the solution for the 3 suites and then expanding it to the remaining rooms.

Thank you very much in advance

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