
Tim avatar image
Tim asked Tim answered

Icon disappear

display.pngHello everyone, when I was using Process Flow, I found that when the number of active blocks reached a certain level, the chart of active blocks would disappear. May I ask why this happened? The version I used was the trial version 2022.2.

FlexSim 22.2.0
proces flow
display.png (60.5 KiB)
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Tim avatar image
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Tim answered

I tried to remove the graphics driver and the software returned to normal.

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Jesús Evangelista avatar image
Jesús Evangelista answered Tim commented

I'm pretty sure it is caused because you exceeded the established limit of Process Flow Activities for the trial version, which is 30. Is it the case?

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Tim avatar image Tim commented ·

This is not the case, and I did not exceed the limit of 30 active blocks. I think it's a driver problem with amd graphics.

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