
Takumi.H avatar image
Takumi.H asked Takumi.H commented

On Open/Close operation of input ports by On Entry/On Exit triggers

The attached model reproduces a situation where the source outputs 10 boxes every 10 seconds and the operator carries 10 boxes together.

In addition, in Queue1, the On Entry trigger setting is used to close the input port when the number of boxes stored in Queue1 exceeds 30. Conversely, the On Exit trigger is set to open the input port when the number of boxes stored in Queue1 falls below 10.

Because of the above settings, the operator does not behave correctly, as you can see in the attached model.

For example, it tries to take an item loaded in Queue1 to Source1.

As for me, I am thinking that it might be suspicious that when I step through the Event List Viewer with the Event List Viewer open, it is Open Inputs in the middle of the step.

Is this a bug?


Is it possible to reproduce the correct situation without inputting the processing flow or source code?

I am aware that the processing flow can be used to reproduce the correct behavior.

Open_Close operation of input ports by trigger.fsm

FlexSim 24.2.1
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Takumi.H commented

The 'problem' you're seeing isn't that the operator is trying to take items to the source, it's that you don't have a BreakTo requirement based on same destination or some other factor. The openInput event is standard when an item enters an object in that it is checking if it can receive another.

If you want to limit the amount to 30 when using transport then the entry trigger is the wrong place as it is too late. Either set the maximum content to 30 or use the pull to decide when to close the input based on the content and the variable nroftransportsin.

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Takumi.H avatar image Takumi.H commented ·

Thank you for your reply.

I understand that changing the maximum number of content or using pulls can solve the problem.

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