
Yash Patel avatar image
Yash Patel asked Felix Möhlmann commented

How to pull to floor storage from the queue item?

Car_Lot.fsm Hey all, I am working on a outbound car lot simulation, where cars come with their destination predefined , they are staged in multiple lanes. Where lanes hold the cars going to same destination and truck going to same destination will load the cars and go. All lanes assigned destination dynamically based on the car, and car will go a lane with same destination if it has space else to a new lane and set its destination as same. In this model handled by label type. Now When there is no space for car to go they are sent to a buffer space "Queue2" in the model. Now what I want to do is have a method where when lane gets empty it pulls the cars from buffer based on earlier defined lane assignment rules. Since I am using floor storage to simulate lane and it already has pull logic I'm stuck on how to make it pull. Presently any car going buffer is stuck there.

FlexSim 24.2.1
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

The reason the cars are stuck in the queue is that the Slot Assignment Strategy of the storages mandates that the slot must have space for the item. Rotation is taken into account for this and the orientation of the 'cars' in the queue makes them not fit in the slot. Once you fix this, cars would get assigned to the wrong lanes though because there is currently no logic that controls what car can go where from the buffer.

With all that said, I would build the logic in Process Flow. The "Find Slot" activity makes assigning slots/lanes quite easy and you generally have a better overview of what is currently happening logic wise by looking at the token positions.


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Yash Patel avatar image Yash Patel commented ·

Hey, I see that we use the SQL for querying the required slots or any other details, Could you guide me where I can find the structures of the data tables associated with various objects, or inbuilt thigs? It would help me a lot in constructing the queries in future.

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Yash Patel commented ·

For managing inventory and slot assignments, take a look at the storage classes.

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