
Pietro Turrin avatar image
Pietro Turrin asked Pietro Turrin commented

Break logic for operator using list

Hi, I'm having trouble applying the information from the tutorial to "real" cases.
I tried to implement the "Water Break" in the model I'm making, trying to integrate the information from the tutorial.
In my model I used lists instead of resources, but currently I can't make it start "Water Break" based on the distance traveled.
In the process flow I loaded, the logic I tried to implement is in the Water Breaks container.

TU0 Comb V4.fsm

FlexSim 24.2.1
operatorlistbreak time
tu0-comb-v4.fsm (247.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

Logan Gold avatar image
1 Like"
Logan Gold answered Logan Gold commented

Hey @Pietro Turrin, in the first part of the tutorial, the Process Flow is set up to acquire an Operator and then release it after all the Task Sequence activities. In your model, the Operators are pulled from the list, but they are never pushed back to the list, so the Water Breaks section never has a chance to pull the Operators when they fulfill the query with the travel distance.

The solution is to push the Operators back onto the list when you want them to check for if they are supposed to go on a water break or not. You could add a Push to List activity after the "Run Sub Flow: Unloading" activity. If you decide to do it there, you'll want to use the Max Wait Timer and the "Keep On List On Early Release" option. And the tokens will need to be looped back to the "Pull Operator" activity. It would look something like this:


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5 |100000

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