
JulHa avatar image
JulHa asked Logan Gold answered

Programming the processor in mass flow

Hello together,
The following problem: I want to represent the bottling of a brewery: I have a massflow conveyor and then a processor (filler). Bottles are running on the conveyor belt. (20000 bottles/hour). At the moment, the processor processes several bottles together and displays them in a box. After the box has left the processor, there are suddenly many more bottles on the next conveyor than actually passed through the first conveyor.
My question:
How do I get the Processor to process exactly one bottle and also output exactly one bottle again?
The processor also states that it has an output that is about 10 times lower than the conveyor belt. The second conveyor belt has an output about 10 times higher than the first.
The following outputs after one hour:
Output Conveyor1: 17875
Output Processor: 1489
Output Conveyor2: 148230
I am grateful for any help.
Best regards!

FlexSim 22.2.0
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·
I would use a mass flow conveyor (or three) for the filler and have it stop when it is starved of or blocked by bottles (use multiple speed changes to mimic decelleration) and restart when it has built some accumulation or the outfeed has emptied enough. If you don't do this then you are somewhat defeating the purpose of the mass flow library which is to reduce the number of events and process rates/densities instead.
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1 Answer

Logan Gold avatar image
Logan Gold answered

I think Jason's idea is a good one for your situation, but to answer your question as to why there are varied throughputs for each object - that is based on settings in Mass Flow Exit Transfers and Entry Transfers.

There is a "Units per Package" on Mass Flow Exit Transfers and a "Units per Item" on Mass Flow Entry Transfers, and both are used to determine throughput when going between Mass Flow Conveyors and other Fixed Resources like a Processor.

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