
WillRS avatar image
WillRS asked Pablo C4 commented

How to load and unload two pallets at same time?

Problem_two pallets at same time.fsmHello everyone!

In this model, trucks arrive at a warehouse and are unloaded. After unloading, they are loaded with other items and leave the system.

The problem is that my forklifts work with a capacity of up to two pallets at the same time, both for loading and unloading.

I developed a logic with subflow to represent the operations, but I couldn't do it with two pallets.

Problem_two pallets at same time.fsm

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1 Answer

Pablo C4 avatar image
Pablo C4 answered Pablo C4 commented

Hello @WillRS , i modified your model to represent the unloading of 2 pallets at the time from the truck. Same logic could apply to loading.


problem-two-pallets-at-same-time edit.fsm

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WillRS avatar image WillRS commented ·

Ow, thanks! It's work.

Could you explain to me what creationRank does?

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WillRS avatar image WillRS WillRS commented ·

Another thing, related to animation, how can I move the presentation of the two pallets so that they are not overlapping?

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Pablo C4 avatar image Pablo C4 WillRS commented ·

The flowitems are stored in an array, so you need an index in the subflow tokens to reference them. For that, you can use Creationrank, which is a property that generates consecutive numbers for the tokens created in the subflow.

For the animation, maybe use a change visual activity with the option set location to place the pallets in the position you need them.

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