
Ray avatar image
Ray asked Sebastián Cañas commented

Basic Warehouse Model

I'm a first time user, and have been tasked with creating a very basic warehouse model. I created the source with an arrival schedule, which populates a queue (inbound trailer). Forklift removes pallets from trailer to a staging lane, then another forklift removes them from staging to storage. Then the parts need to be picked into staging, then loaded into another queue (outbound truck). A couple things I'm having trouble with:

1. The staging lanes need to be full before they can be put away, but i'm having trouble writing in a rule for reaching maximum content.

2. I'm not sure how to initiate that the forklift needs to start picking a load to stage for outbound. The source is easy to add a schedule, but I'm not sure if i need to make the staging lane pull or how it should work.

3.Lastly, only 2 forklifts should run this operation, but I'm having trouble using them for the jobs interchangeably. They need to finish one job before starting the next and should be able to work any of the jobs.

Attached my current file, any assistant is much appreciated. Thank you!

Basic Warehouse Sim.fsm

FlexSim 24.2.1
warehousetransportersmax contentdispacher
· 1
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Sebastián Cañas avatar image
Sebastián Cañas answered Sebastián Cañas commented

Hey @Ray,

You'll need to use Process Flow for both the transport to the inventory and the picking process. I'm uploading a model for you as an idea of what you need to do:

  1. Once the Forklifts puts boxes in the staging line, an Event-Triggered Source creates a token that it's batched until it reaches the maximum content of the stanging line, then it runs a Sub Flow that creates a task sequence to transport the boxes to the inventory.
  2. There's a Trigger in the FloorStorage2 that pushes the item to an ItemList when it enters the slot.
  3. An order to be picked is being generated every two minutes. It pulls the quantity from the list and then runs another subflow of the task sequence of the forklifts to pick the items to staging.

Try to understand the model and adapt the logic to your needs. I highly recommend you to follow the tutorials of the user manual, specially the ones of Process Flow and Task Logic. That's how you get to understand better the logic.


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